02 May Festival Time
The Brighton Festival is now the largest event of its kind in the UK and it’s great to be a part of it, with around 200 houses and studio spaces to explore.

We are busy preparing for the opening on the second weekend of the festival.
I’d be delighted if you could make it to the private view from 6.30 til 8.30 on Friday 10th May. I am really looking forward to welcoming you and celebrating our first entry into the Artists Open House festival.
Then we are open for three weekends
Artists Open House @Studio 2,
2 Park Crescent, Brighton BN2 3HA
Fiona Geilinger paintings Lisa Jansen textile art
Cake, tea and coffee available. 11 til 5.
11th/12th May, 18th/19th May, 25th/26th May.

You can pick up a brochure at https://aoh.org.uk/may2024/brochure/
Plus a trail map at the house before exploring the other 8 local venues “Beyond the Level”: https://aoh.org.uk/may2024/?_aohtrail=beyond_the_level
Have a great week and l look forward to seeing you on 10th May.