31 Jan Studio Two Studio Sale
Put Saturday 24th February from 2pm into your diary as I’m having a Studio Sale where you can pick up some real bargains on earlier work. There will also be more recent work, plus an opportunity to see the studio, see what I’m up to and have a drink and a chat.

I’ve also booked to do a Brighton Artists Open House this year for three weekends in May, with textile artist Lisa Jansen also showing here. The venue title is Studio Two, using the ground floor of our house, 2 Park Crescent; the studio and the newly, dramatically decorated living room. More to follow about that.
The carpenter has started on my studio refit, but I just managed another painting, before clearing or covering everything up. It’s a new version of the last painting I did, but bigger, on canvas and with the ribs of the socks and the sandals painted in oil. While I did choose more dramatic and contrasting colours than in the previous acrylic one, the difference with oil paint is still quite striking.

Have a good week. The next newsletter will be it will written in Italy.